Food Pantry Developments
The Food Pantry
Our food pantry has gone thru some significant changes in the past three years. Our main source of food for the pantry has always been Care and Share Food Bank in Colorado Springs. Our shopping list used to be three or four pages and it is down to one half page. That puts us in the position to find other food sources. We get a lot of individual donations, that we greatly appreciate, and it seems that when we are in need of something it comes through the front door.
We continue to provide emergency food boxes to those in need in our community. Typically we give out between 25 and 40 boxes per month. Last month was particularly busy, having distributed 54 boxes.
Our latest miracle came in the way of a grant received by Teller Senior Coalition. They have shared the grant with several Non-Profits in Teller County, us being a recipient of part of that grant. It is enabling us to fill the pantry with canned goods and shelf stable items as well as purchase a whole Colorado grown beef at the Teller County Fair. We are having it processed and will have beef for emergency food boxes for many months.
The partners for the current grant are Teller Senior Coalition, Little Chapel, Community Partnership and Aspen Mine Center. A special thanks to Kathy Lowry from Teller Senior Coalition for doing all the hard work in getting and keeping track of the grant.
Also, thanks to the community at large for all of the support, donations (food, monetary and moral support) we get. The support we get from the community is truly outstanding.