A PLACE For Kids Capital Campaign

Help us to raise $ 1 million in a month, with matching funds on the table, by clicking on the orange “A Place For Kids Capital Campaign Donation Link” button to the left. Your donation will help secure a much needed licensed childcare facility in Cripple Creek, and your contribution can qualify for a 50% state tax credit per year through the Childcare Contribution Tax Credit. Check out our capital campaign webpage here. Thank you for your support!


Programs & Services

Everything from food, clothing to financial assistance can be found at the Aspen Mine Center. Whatever your needs come visit us and see if we can help. Click on the image below to go to our services page to see what programs are available.

Donate to the Community of Caring Aspen Mine Center in Cripple Creek, CO


The Aspen Mine Center has a number community partners that provide resources for a variety of needs such as mental and physical health, food, transportation, and social services. Click the image below to find out more about our partner agencies.

Emergency Assistance

Depending on what situation you might have, we can often provide a safety net for you and your family’s basic needs. Click on the image below to got to our Client Case Management page to learn more about the types of assistance they can provide.

How you can help

Since the opening of the Aspen Mine Center, Community of Caring has implemented a volunteer program. Our volunteers are a cherished and priceless part of what we do.

We are always seeking new volunteers! Helping us means you’ve helped our entire community. It’s something you can be very proud of and it’s incredibly satisfying.


Remember – 90% of all donations remain in Teller County and your contribution of time allows The Teller County Salvation Army to continue to feed the hungry, house the homeless, nurture our youth, provide year-round emergency assistance, and fund our well-known Holiday programs that share food, clothing, and toys with needy children and adults.

Donate Today

Whether we realize it or not. Your nextdoor neighbor may be struggling to put enough food on the table.

Or your child’s teacher could be a few bills away from homelessness.

Need does not discriminate – that’s why we’re here.

Partner With Us

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