2023 Annual Report Executive Summary
2023 Annual Report Executive Summary
2023 was a year of action for Community of Caring. The fourth year of our five year strategic plan was committed to improving client service delivery and evidence-based programming , defining the measurement of our impact on the lives of the clients and families we serve as well as the effects our 33 programs have on the southern Teller County community.
We expanded our partnerships and services with behavioral health providers, spearheaded an initiative to create a community child care facility for local employees, facilitated affordable housing initiatives, expanded food security program delivery and integration of skills to employment opportunities for adults and families.
Organizationally we have expanded our capacity to implement community trainings and education programs, expand structured volunteer program opportunities and are in the process of remodeling/redefining the Aspen Mine Center for use as a conference and senior activities hub.
With this growth comes great fiduciary challenges and great fiscal responsibility. For the past 23 years we have committed more than 88% of our revenue to programs and services for the community we serve. We do this by leveraging revenue streams with tremendous in-kind and volunteer support. We are proud of the support we receive from the hundreds of partner organizations, local government, foundations, businesses, volunteers and individuals who give their time, talent and treasures to help Community of Caring “build a healthy community” in Teller County. We are so grateful for the incredible generosity of individual donors, foundations and government support that allowed us to pay off the AMC West facility on the last quarter of 2022!
We are humbled by the generosity this community continues to show us through the support provided. We are touched and inspired by the clients who trust us to assist them on their journey to stability and self-sufficiency and are defined by our partnerships and the commitment of other agencies to truly do what is best for this community. Thank you all once again for the great work you do!
Ted Borden, Community of Caring Executive Director