Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Client Services
Certified Financial Education Instructor
Phone: 719-689-3584
Email: info@aspenminecenter.org
Help for financial health…
Always feel a day late and a dollar short? Our Financial Health Advocate Program teaches how to achieve a better life while enjoying every minute of it.
This program, in partnership with Pikes Peak United Way, focuses on working with clients for up to two years to:
- Increase financial literacy through education and awareness…how to make money work for you instead of against you
- Increase your household income
- Decrease debt
- Increase knowledge of community resources…there is always plenty of help out there, if you know how to find it
- Decrease stress, increase overall wellbeing and stability
- Empower clients to reach goals, always look forward and upward toward greater and continuing success
This program combats generational poverty through case management utilizing a structured proven effective curriculum.
We have seen tremendous positive changes in empowering clients to increase their income and decrease debt.
Everything from food, clothing to financial assistance can be found at the Aspen Mine Center. Whatever your needs come visit us and see if we can help. Click on the image below to go to our services page to see what programs are available.
The Aspen Mine Center has a number community partners that provide resources for a variety of needs such as mental and physical health, food, transportation, and social services. Click the image below to find out more about our partner agencies.
Depending on what situation you might have, we can often provide a safety net for you and your family’s basic needs. Click on the image below to go to our Client Case Management page to learn more about the types of assistance they can provide.
See Other Programs
Providing a green resource for clothes, shoes, accessories, furniture, and other household items. Visit us to see our selection or shop online!
Make sure no one in the community goes hungry this year, by donating to the food pantry. We make sure all bellies are full and happy.
Our Client Case Management Program is your first stop. Welcome to compassion, commitment and a light at the end of your tunnel.