Community of Caring, the Aspen Mine Center, and now AMC West: How do all these entities fit together??

Ever since the Aspen Mine Center opened in June of 2002 folks in the southern Teller County community, and beyond, have wondered how these two entities fit together.  Now, with the near completion of the newly renovated Madam Junes building (now officially named “AMC West”) we want to prevent additional confusion.  The following is a simple explanation of how these three entities all tie together.

Community of Caring is quite simply the nonprofit umbrella that the Aspen Mine Center and soon to open AMC West operate under. Community of Caring was founded in 1999 to create programs, resources and emergency assistance opportunities for families, adults and older adults.  Primarily we serve southern Teller County, but we also serve eastern Park County.

The Aspen Mine Center is simply the building located at 166 East Bennett Ave. It is a “One-stop community resource center”.  Currently the Aspen Mine Center houses all 16 programs that operate under the Community of Caring umbrella.  It also houses the AMC Gift and Thrift Shop-all revenue from sales of items donated to the Gift and Thrift Shop are used to support the programs, emergency assistance and resources run by Community of Caring to benefit the community.


AMC West is the building located at 100 West Bennett Ave in Cripple Creek. It is located directly across from the Court House and the Cripple Creek Park.  This completely renovated building, set to open in May of 2022 will house most of the client services offices currently operating out of the Aspen Mine Center.  Bottom line is that we have outgrown the space in the Aspen Mine Center and will now operate our services out of both buildings.  AMC West will house all of our case managers for both senior and family/adult programs as well as all of our partner agencies such as Department of Human Services, Pikes Peak Workforce Center, TESSA, Independence Center, A Willow Bends, Bright Futures Counseling, Diversus Counseling, UA testing, a new Tele-Health office, family visitation room and much more.

The Aspen Mine Center will develop more opportunities for community education and training programs, expansion of the community meal program, and continue to house the Clothes Closet, Food Pantry, Shower Facility, Community Meal program, and Commodities Distribution.

We welcome your input and questions about our services and programs.  We also welcome your contributions of time, talent and treasure if you are looking for excellent opportunities to volunteer or contribute to an excellent community base organization.

Thank you for allowing us to serve you in this amazing community!

Ted Borden